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Friday, April 27, 2012

Can't find my followers!

Is anyone else having problems with finding their followers?? I am and I have no idea why. I haven't changed anything so I can't understand what's happening. If anyone has any ideas how I can fix this problem It would be very much appreciated so if you can... Please help..


DaCraftyLady said...

No I am not right now, but I do not see yours??? Sometimes Google does that and then the next day they reappear???? I am having problems with followers not being able to find my blogs because of Goggle+ are you having that problem? When you click on my name does it take you to a place where you can click and find me? Profile???

TwoLuLa said...

Carol and I at TwoLuLa have been having the same problem for almost two months! I cannot find any way to get help from Blogger. I have posted and read and read and read in the Blogger Product Forum, but have not found any solution. This is soooo frustrating! Comments on our blog posts have dropped down considerably, and I am wondering if it is a similar problem to Debb above. Please let me know if you find a solution and I will do the same.


glor said...

Wish I could tell you how to fix it, I lost my followers for over a year, in fact I couldn't follow on other blogs as well. They reaprpeared about amonth ago and so far so good, although still have some trouble if I want to follow a blog. Actually, I have you in my blog list of blogs I follow and you disappreated (and others) for a while there. There are times when blogger is so frustration. Hope this clears up for you soon.

byhooks4u said...

I am not having that problem right now..who knows maybe I will tomorrow..I hope someone can help you out.

Christina Broad said...

Thanks for trying to help ladies.. It is frustrating as Glor mentioned.. They have been gone for a few weeks now. I will try and see if blogger will allow me to follow other blogs, all I can do for the moment... Thanks again.. :)